Stress resonates in the society as a ‘devil’ which is encapsulating everybody. Stress is often interchangeably used for anxiety and excitement. Exploring the positive side of stress, we addressed our students today at Udgam School during Morning Assembly. Our aim is to twist the mind set of our young minds and utilize stress for their benefit. Mrs. Neha Dhyani with the help of a Presentation helped students understand this easy fact that our body prepares us for many reactions and we confuse it with ‘Stress’. She took some confessions of Dr. Kelly McGonicall which made the entire topic clear and meaningful. Students were asked to stay focussed and push themselves from Stress zone to Eustress Zone which helps them gather courage and makes them resilient. We should make stress our Friend and help others to come out of it naturally!
Mrs. Neha Manghani continued with the assembly and spoke on the new Class-Pass system that has been initiated in the classes. This will help to create more disciplined environment at school.
Students of grade ninth also spoke about their experience at the Times of India workshop attended by them. They motivated their colleagues to write more articles for NIE and showcase their hidden talents.
Assembly was concluded with the valuable words delivered by Principal Mrs. Sujata Tandon, who spoke about the changes to be adopted patiently and behaving wisely at school. Students were advised to be more focused towards their studies, due to the change in exam-pattern. To cope up with the change they were instructed to do the regular revisions.