The beautiful poem has been written by Jayneel Vora of Std. X .
The God Particle
The God particle,
The Higgs’ article.
Gives mass to matter;
Making our textbooks fatter!!!
Created just after the Big Bang;
Bells of Higgs’ rang,
Found in two-o-twelve,
Not less than a jewel.
The Experiment at CERN,
Hotter than the sun.
Nicknamed the Higgs-Boson,
Had the scientists soar on.
Costing 3 billion euros,
With nine zeroes!!!!!
Protons are collided,
Smash ups create heat up to 106 times the sun.
Standing near with a bun,
Not at all fun!!!!!
Could have caused a black hole;
Eating the Earth as a whole…..
Loads of celebrations in Geneva;
No blood left in my Vena Cava!!!
Hope it is it;
Or, scientists will not be able to sit!!!!
Jayneel Vora
Std. X
Udgam School for Children