Yoga is beneficial for the body and soul. Regular practice of this exercise makes the body flexible and generates mental peace in a person. Today, it is accepted worldwide as one of the most effective forms of exercise to influence physical as well as psychological balance.
At Udgam, we understand the importance of yoga, thus host weekly classes for the students as a compulsory activity at school. A team of qualified yoga trainers impart basic yoga knowledge to our students. Udgam School has incorporated yoga since 1996, whereas the guidelines to incorporate yoga in school education by CBSE was issued in 2015. Having a dedicated yoga room, an allotted time in the timetable, yoga curriculum and experienced faculty, we take yoga training seriously.
Every year, International Yoga Day is also celebrated at school on 21st June on a large scale, wherein the trainers and students perform yoga concerning benefits to various body parts. Post COVID-19, the trainers have also taught various breathing exercises to the students to boost their immunity.