Social Science is considered a lengthy and difficult subject for students to prepare for exam. So, a workshop was conducted to make the learning of the subject easier. It was a different kind of training. Parents of the middle section students were shown some tactics by which their wards would find learning Social Science for the exam somewhat easier.
An initiative of the VP, Ms. Noopur Desai, the workshop was conducted efficiently by her teachers. A team comprising of special educators Shivani Joshi, Rashmi Lalwani, Tapaswini Gajjar and S.S. teachers Doyel Ganguly and Debaraty Bhattacharya made an impressive presentation and also had practical demonstration with parents volunteering to be students.After an introduction by Ms. Shivani Joshi, the session began with Ms. Rashmi Lalwani explaining the different types of learners – visual, auditory, kinesthetic. While visual learners remember colours, handwriting, auditory learners concentrate on the spoken word and kinesthetic learners prefer hands-on learning. She demonstrated these with the help of parents.
Ms. Doyel Ganguly explained the teaching of history in an interesting way – by relating historical characters to cartoon characters that students are fond of. She also suggested the popular game of snakes and ladders to explain rise and fall of leaders and empires.Ms. Debarati’s method of teaching geography was practical and applicable. She suggested making of acronyms to remember facts. She likened countries on the map to shapes of common objects that students are familiar with and thus would remember easily.Ms. Tapaswini Gajjar showed interesting methods of learning with the use of puppets, tables and trays for classification of information. She also suggested a simple method of using fingers to remember facts.
The session gave positive ideas to parents who help their wards prepare Social Science for exams. They lauded the efforts of the teachers and even suggested having such workshops for others subjects.