School Bus – An Environment Conscious Option
Research says that the worst pollutants after factories are released by the vehicles that ply on the roads in large numbers. We have above 4500 students and if each child commutes to school in a car then imagine the amount of pollution that will be caused everyday along with the traffic commotion. In an environment friendly move Udgam School has introduced school buses on popular routes. Besides reducing the traffic problems and use of fuels, this has been found to be a safer option too. Children simply love the bus ride with their friends and are always on time. Please write to us at [email protected] for more information.

Rainwater Harvesting / Recharging
The school has made a 10” diameter bore and installed filtration system in such a way that 70% of the rain water on the school campus will be used to recharge the ground water. Udgam School is located on a slope and the water flows away from the school building, so clogging of rainwater is not a problem for the school. However the School genuinely believes in saving the environment. The Rainwater system is expected to raise the ground water level and benefit all the societies around the school. Moreover in the long run improve the quality of ground water by reducing the TDS in water.

Installing Auto-Shut off flush tanks and taps
Small children may forget to shut of the flush which means litres of water per minute is lost. Hence the school has installed taps which have a delayed auto shut off water is saved.

Installing power saving fans and tube lights
Fans and tube lights are some of the largest consumers of electricity in a school. The school has installed power saving tube lights and fans as they are used at least 6 hours a day
Sun control film on windows
Instead of making the windows opaque which would block 100% of light we have put film on windows which reduces the heat radiation and glare from sun but still give the light. This doesn’t necessitate use of tube lights. We choose a film which reflects 80% of solar radiation and give 70% of light. This avoids the need of tube lights during the day.
Email communication
It is said that to make 3,000 A4 pages needs one tree needs to be cut. Parents are given communications over email and steadily parents are accepting the change.
School ERP
Use of software to do record keeping helps save paper in our internal processes in the school.
No Marketing Material
Udgam School is some of the few schools in the city which has not got a single brochure/ leaflet printed. We use our website for our showing our facilities to prospective parents. This saves a lot of paper, ink and petrol. Else parents would visit the school and collect the marketing material, right now they just log in and see the school. We do our admission inquiry registration online and save a lot of paper work. It reduced our costs as to manpower and printing and also speeded our processes. Thousands of prospective parents just log in to our website, get information about the school, and register for inquiry.
News online
We publish our news online. It saves a lot of paper. Parents are also getting used to the idea of seeing information online.
LCD Monitors
We have upgraded 100% of our computer monitors which total up to 200, to the power efficient LCD monitors. This reduces the power consumption by 50%. Also heat discharge is reduced and hence AC is not required.
To facilitate parents in getting carpool, Udgam school has put a feature on its website where people can register their requirements. Parents can search and find the best carpool for themselves.
Computers to teachers
The school has installed computers in each staff room so that teachers can do their daily record keeping in computers. Each staffroom is an E-Staffroom now, as computers installed so far are connected to internet. The school has embodied the slogan of GO GREEN, as all the teachers have their own mail ids and they can access outlook, internally all the circulars and important announcements are done through mail henceforth saving paper and ultimately the Environment.
Power efficient water management
to water the gardens we have a pump which directly pulls water from the underground tank. We don’t need to push the water 6 floors up on the overhead tank and bring it all the way down.
Waste Management
Society throws a large amount of waste everyday but all this waste is not real waste, some of it can be recycled or decomposed. Hence the school is working on Waste Management System and has installed three separate bins at appropriate places in the school premises for Recyclable, Non Recyclable & Bio-Degradable Waste. It is best to segregate waste at its source. We would also be composting the Bio-degradable waste & producing Bio fertilizers from it. Let us all join hands to follow the new trend of Recycle -> Reduce -> Reuse waste thrown away by us. We would like to spread our initiative to the society at large and invest in 3 R’s!!!